How Can I Calm My Anxiety When Flying?
How can I calm down my anxiety while flying? Here are some suggestions. Visualize yourself sitting in the airplane, surrounded by all the things you love and cherish. Besides, try to take along your favorite snacks. If possible, take a seat in the back. Visualization is an effective method to reduce anxiety while flying. Try to avoid certain triggers, like loud music and other people.
Deep breathing
People who suffer from flight anxiety are advised to take deep breaths to calm their nervous system. Deep breathing exercises can help to calm the autonomic nerve system and prevent hyperventilation. Deep breathing also relaxes the entire body. Box breathing can be used for calm during stressful situations during flight. The National Health Service has a guide for deep breathing to help with flight anxiety. Deep breathing techniques can be helpful in many situations, including flying.

To deepen your breath, you can use the diaphragm. It is a learned skill. This is how babies breathe naturally. It is difficult to do the same in a panic, though. If you are unable or unwilling to do this on your terms, get medical or mental health help. There are many websites and apps that offer deep breathing instructions. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to calm anxiety. Make it a daily practice. Deep breathing exercises don’t have to be perfect.
You may not realize it, but there are some techniques that you can use to calm your anxiety before you fly. Practicing deep breathing can reduce anxiety, as it increases oxygen supply to your brain and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Focusing on your breath can help you focus away from racing thoughts and distract from the discomfort. It may take a bit of practice, but gaining more control over your flight is possible.
One simple exercise can help calm nerves before you fly. Imagine a friend as your calm source. Although it works for some people this is not a good idea for all. Performing this exercise is not easy, and many people find it hard to stick to it. You might consider doing this exercise with a friend or pet. You can also practice it yourself.
Avoid triggers
One of the best ways to avoid anxiety when flying is to learn how to recognize triggers early. Most fearful fliers start their anxiety months or even years before the flight. Avoiding the things that can trigger anxiety is a way to calm them down. This may include selecting a seat that is away from the window, or even a seat in an aisle. Learning about turbulence and what to do when the plane shakes or drops can also help. Upgrade to business or first class if possible.
The most common cause of flight anxiety is being trapped on a plane. Other causes include being confined on the plane, boarding the aircraft, and terrorism. It could also be anxiety from being too far away from your home. No matter what the cause, understanding your triggers is key to conquering your fears. There is no magic solution to conquering your fear.
Choose a back-seat
A few pilots are afraid of opening the plane’s doors mid-flight. However, this is a rare exception. Some of them fear flying, whereas others are simply scared of flying. No matter what category you fall into, there are ways you can ease your anxiety about flying. One way is to take a backseat. Listed below are several ways to reduce your anxiety during flight.
First, make sure to choose a seat with windows unless you are particularly claustrophobic. In the back, you’re less likely to feel claustrophobia. A window seat is a great place for nervousness and visual stimulation. A window seat can also be distracting if you have a fear or anxiety about heights. This can make it difficult to feel comfortable. Choosing a seat with a window may make you nervous, but the aisle will minimize the risk of claustrophobia.